They’re two to a seat in the cars, so he’s glad he’ll get to sit with Georgie, but before he can snag her, they get separated, so he’s sitting behind her with an admittedly pretty woman. She tugs him to the line, which is mercifully short, and before he knows it they’re being seated. “I need to go on the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, everyone says it’s the best and so we have to do it first while it’s still early enough that the park isn’t packed, please.” “Come on, Will, please,” she’s currently begging. He loved his parents, he still does, but they didn’t really give him a childhood, and that’s something he’s trying to make sure Georgie gets. If he’s being honest he’s a little ashamed, but at the same time, his youth was spent with hard studies and being groomed to take over the family business, so his idea of fun was just being able to spend a day or two without having to learn something. He’s 23 and never been on a roller coaster.

He knows it sounds ridiculous when you really think about it. It’s intimidating, mostly because he’s never been on a roller coaster before. It wouldn’t be too bad if he could just stand around and eat, and maybe get some work done on his phone, while she goes on the rides, but of course she doesn’t want to go alone, so of course Darcy’s faced with having to go on every roller coaster they can get on in a day. Unfortunately she doesn’t have really any friends so he has to go with her.

It’s Charles’ idea to go to Disneyland for Georgie’s 15th birthday, which he is forever thankful for because when he mentions it to her her smile is so bright it could probably light up a city. It doesn’t help that he also has crippling social anxiety, but he’s working on it. Part of him feels guilty because he knows it can’t be easy having your brother raise you because both of your parents died when you were really young but he’s trying, he really is. Not only is he eight years her senior, but he’s also her legal guardian, and pretty painfully shy. It is a truth universally acknowledged that Will Darcy will do basically anything for his younger sister Georgie.